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Re: Historical Jewish Music

For those who are interested in the sound of music in the ancient Temple, 
I have composed a "recreated" simulation. The work is called HALLEL IN 
ANCIENT STYLE. It is written for soloist, unison chorus, harp, organ and 
percussion. It tries to imitate what my research and imagination indicate 
how the ancient singers and instruments might have sounded.

Though the chorus is unison the parts are somewhat challenging with 
changing meters and some quick rhythms.  Though it has been performed 
successfully by amateur choirs with many rehearsals. (A professional 
harpist will be needed and two percussionists are required). 

For more info email me.

Cantor Sheldon M. Levin slevin (at) mciunix(dot)mciu(dot)k12(dot)pa(dot)us

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