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WWW page

I'm looking for the URL for this group, if there is one. I ventured into the
Museum of Tolerance, in Hollywood, the other day and I asked if there was any
part of the museum, that had been put on the net, and they said no "not yet"
So I see in the future, the museum on the net. Also does anyone have  the
albium entitled "Songs of the Vilna Ghetto?" If so respond to me as Eli Selkin
 cselkin (at) jupiter(dot)calstatela(dot)edu

        "It is an ancient Mariner,
        And he stppeth one of three.
        'By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,
        Now wherefore stopp'st thou me ?'"
-The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by  Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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