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Re: "Eastern" Jewish music? CD suggestions?

paulovi1 (at) muvms6(dot)wvnet(dot)edu wrote:

:      I'm desperate for some recordings of Jewish music from "Eastern"
:  countries. Any suggestions? I had an album of Egyptian/N. African
:  music, some of the songs apparently Jewish, but I lost the album too
:  long ago to remember. Any help anyone could give me would be most
:  appreciated. "E" me!
:                     Noah
I would start with some of Ofra Haza's stuff - preferably imports - and
suffer through the pop for the few gems of Jewish/Yemenite tunes.  When
she is true to her roots she can blow you away.
|       The NIEDZVIECKIS - Orie and Jen
|               A house, a car, 2.7 kids, one cat and a dog

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