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Jewish Choral Music Query

I'm in the process of putting together an arts education fellowship proposal
for summer '95 with the general topic of the development of a choral tradition
in synagogue worship.  I'm Jewish, have been a non-ordained cantoral soloist
in a reform temple, and am currently a high school choir director.  As a
director result of the fellowship (should I get it!) I'll be composing some
new liturgical music for choir.  I am looking for any help in the following
areas: Primary or secondary texts to read regarding Jewish vocal and Jewish
choral music;B help in refining or narrowing my research topic; and
people interested or at least willing to answer my on-going questions
in this area via the Internet.  Thanks much in advance!
Tim Thomas (af626 (at) detroit(dot)freenet(dot)org)
Birmingham, Michigan

Tim Thomas (af626 (at) detroit(dot)freenet(dot)org)

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