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Moscow Choir

If you want to hear something awesome, go to a Saturday morning service at
Shereth Israel -- The Sephardic Synogogue in NYC.  It is absolutely
awesome.  I think that half the Metropolitan Opera is there singing the

I get shivers just thinking about it.

Most of us can't reproduce that kind of music in our synogogues.  The
Nusach America Modern Jewish Prayer Music is easy for almost anyone to
master and speaks to the heart.  It is uplifting to the soul.  It doesn't
need a performer . . .  only participants.  It Enhances prayer. . . not
Upstages it.  It speaks to the heart and is complelling to the spirit.  It
is so successful, I think that it is threatening to many cantors.  In
reality, if they would embrace it, the average congregant would probably
embrace them in turn, several fold.

Philip J. Leonard
mike (at) order(dot)ph(dot)utexas(dot)edu

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