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Re: Hasidic Music, Pros and Cons

I just saw Mordechai Ben David two nights ago and he was xcellent.  It was
the fourth time I have seen him in three years.  Many people call him the
"King of Chasidic Music".  I personally love him.  Does anyone else share in
my taste for MBD, Avrohom Fried, D'Veykus, Miami Boys???

                                        David Kessler
                                        kessler (at) wam(dot)umd(dot)edu
P.S.  Michael Chapnik writes " Sure, songs about Moshiach, and building up the 
Temple, and
the lyrics of the prophets put to music actually date back centuries, but
who in this day and age listens to such stuff in their car driving to
work? Any responses? "

I love Chasidic Music and lots of times listen to it during my workout!!!!

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