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Debbie Friendman in New Orleans

Saturday Night, we went to New Orleans to hear Debbie Friendman in Concert
at the Touro Synogogue in New Orleans.

It was a wonderful Spiritual Concert at the Historic Synogogue for Chanuka.

She did a great job.

Besides a new tabe called Gil Galgalim which is a wonderful Childrens tape,
She has a new CD which puts several of her tapes on one CD.  Its quite a

Next week, she will be making the long planned trip to Stockholm, Sweden.

Hope everyone had a Chanukah Samaeach!


Philip J. Leonard
mike (at) order(dot)ph(dot)utexas(dot)edu

I am a cantorial student at J.T.S., and I am also working as a chazan in
Westbury, Long Island.  In both this places I have been inundated with
folk-like music and the idea that this type of music might or not belong
in a synagogue service.  My personal feeling is that it does not, because
the images that it conjures in me are not the images that I have in a
service.  Basically, I sit in synagogue with a very attentive ear, and
listen to what the music is telling me, besides the words.

I love Debbie Friedman's music and I have several of her tapes myself.
But when I am davvening, I rarely resort to her compositions.  I would
like to hear people's oppinions about this.  I know that Philip did not
have this discussion in mind when he wrote his message, but maybe it is
time that we talk a little about what do we expect from Jewish music.

My address is below for personal responses.  I do believe that the whole
list might benefit from a larger forum discussion.

Love, peace and respect to you all.


Henrique Ozur Bass                      Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Cantorial Student                       21 Pilgrim Lane
hebass (at) JTSA(dot)EDU                        Westbury, NY 11

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