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Expanded Chabad Art, Music, and Literature Gallery

In Kovod of Chai-Ellul (birthday of the Baal Shem Tov, and Alter Rebbe)

I am announcing an expanded Chabad Art and Music Gallery.

There are now 42 JPEG (and GIF) thumbnail works in the Art Gallery.

* Art by Boruch Nachshon (Israeli Artist)
* Art by Michoel Muchnik (US Artist)
* Art by Zalman Kleinman (Old World Artist)
* Photo's of the Rebbe and 770

I have done some cleanup to the old JPEGS (made them a bit smaller, brighter)
and increased the size of the GIF thumbnails so that net-surfers can better
see what they are going to get.



An Internet Guide to Chabad Literature


A directory of Chabad Literature on the Internet.

What is it:

This is a WWW server that contains pointers to a variety of information
currently scattered on the Internet. It consists of pictures of the
Rebbe, a gallery of Chassidic Artwork, a audio collection of Chabad
niggunim, locally archived texts, and pointers and descriptions to
other material stored on the Internet.

Some of the materials currently indexed include:

* Chabad-Lubavitch of Cyberspace:
   A huge archive of Chabad literature.  Includes full books such as:
   the basic text of the Chabad-Lubavitch philosophy known as the
   "Tanya", Sefer HaYom Yom - A Chassidic thought for every day,
   Commentary on Pirke Avot - (Ethics of our Fathers) along with many
   articles about Moshiach, Chabad customs (minhagim) and locations of
   Chabad Houses.

* Essays by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach of Oxford University:
   Noted Chabad auther Rabbi Shuley
   Boteach discusses issues of marriage, suffering, Sigmund Freud,
   homosexuality, khomeinism, and anything else perplexing or inspiring
   to modern thinking Jewish minds.

* The Moshiach Journal:
   An electronic journal dedicated to issues surrounding the who, what,
   and why's about Mosiach. Edited by Rabbi Benzion Milecki of

* The complete text of the Rambam's Hilchot Melech HaMoshiach:
   The laws concerning Moshiach (in HyperText format).

* Other HyperText documents on the topics of emunah (faith), trust,
  techiyas ha-Masim (revival of the dead), etc.

How to access:

You can use Mosaic, Cello, Lynx or any other WWW browser to access this

The URL is:


Feel free to click on my name and browse my home page, as well as the
usage statistics.

I am not doing this to establish myself as any sort of official mossad.
It is merely a directory service that I am providing as a personal
assistance to those looking for locating Chabad resources on the net.

Yechezkal-Shimon Gutfreund                         sgutfreund (at) gte(dot)com 
GTE Laboratories, Waltham MA


Topic No. 5

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