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Please Help With Television Program

Jewish Faith: From Love Not Hate

Upcoming Television Program Needs Your Help

Shalom.   The New York Board of Rabbis would like to ask for your help
with a national network television program exploring  the state of
American Jewish life today.   After the Holocaust, Jews drew together to
preserve and safeguard a tradition and a way of life so hatefully
challenged.  But many Jews today are pursuing their faith and identity
around different issues than united them fifty years ago.   Using brief,
videotaped first-person segments from men, women and young people from all
over the country,   we want to  create a portrait of the realities and
spiritual searches as well as the steadfastness informing Jewish life in
this country today.   We know that there are countless stories to be told
by a fascinating range of individuals and we are eager to learn them.

Please send us a brief written statement or personal profile (several
paragraphs is fine) telling us about the catalysts for your religious or
cultural activities,  touching on your feelings, the inner questions or
those posed by family, friends or colleagues, pertinent aspects of  your
background or landmark events of your life.

We would appreciate receiving your replies as soon as possible.   As our
research progresses,  we will be getting in touch with some of you so
please include information on how to contact you, (day and evening phone
numbers,  if possible).

We thank you in advance for your responsiveness and for  sharing such an
important part of your self with us.

You may reach us by mail          The New York Board of Rabbis
              10 East 73rd Street
              New York, NY  10021-4194

 Attention:   "Faith: From Love Not Hate"
     Bunie Veeder or Elly Schull Meeks

By fax:   212- 772-3977
by e-mail at:  esmeeks (at) aol(dot)com


Topic No. 4

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