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Re: Rabbis Sons, Mark 3, Diaspora, Carlebach

Of the recordings you request, all except for the Carlebach have been long
out of print.  The Carlebach recordings are slowly being re-released on
CD, and are imported from Israel.  You may want to call HaTaklit
(800)Hat-aklit (tell them you heard about it from Judaic Broadcasting),
they should have the Carlebach CD's.

As for the others, Avraham Rosenblum of Diaspora has released two
excellent solo tapes since disbanding the group and one of them features
live performances of several classic DYB tunes.

We do have all of these on vinyl, if you are interested  in having us tape
them for you please respond by private E-mail.

Shawn Fink
Producer Shalom America


Topic No. 8

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