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jewish internet

Dear Fellow Moderator or Jewish Internet resource provider,

Re: Jewish Internet

In December of this year I will hopefully be presenting a paper
at the Association for Jewish Studies Conference on the internet
and Jewish Studies. I am hoping to make available a paper guide
to as many of the resources for Jewish topics as I can. As such
I would appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to fill out this
form and send it back to me so I can include your information in
the guide. Please forward a copy of this form to others you may
know about in this area. Thank you.
        Avi Jacob Hyman - editor JEWISH STUDIES JUDAICA eJOURNAL
        (jewstudies (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org    or h-judaic (at) 
        personal address:    ajhyman (at) oise(dot)on(dot)ca
Name of resource:

Type of resource:  (listserv, gopher, software developer, etc)

Name of principle contact person (moderator, etc.):

email address of service:

email address of contact person (if different than above):

Brief description of service (five lines or less):

Relevant statistical information (number of users, dates, etc.):

Thank you again.


Topic No. 105

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