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Tell me - Bamidbar/Shovuos


In parshah class on Friday, Morah Kaplan asked her students which
parshah would be read in shul this Shabbos.

"I know," Riki called out. "It's Bamidbar."

"What a coincidence," exclaimed Suri.

"Last year we also read Parshas Bamidbar on the Shabbos before
Shavuos. I remember be cause it was my brother's bar mitzvah and
that's when he was called up to the Torah."

"Actually," Morah Kaplan told the class, "It's not a coincidence
at all. Every year, we read Parshas Bamidbar before Shavuos.
Bamidbar means "in the desert." There is a strong connection
between the idea of a desert and the Torah which we were given on

"Oh, I remember learning about that," Miriam said.

"Just like the desert is open land, not owned by anyone, so the
Torah does not belong to any one person alone. Every Jew has an
equal share in the Torah."

"Very good Miriam," Morah Kaplan praised her.

"And, girls, there is more that we can learn from the Torah being
given in the desert. Let's think about life in a desert."

"It's hot."
"No water."
"Very little food."

"Now, when our forefathers received the Torah in the desert, they
had to depend on HaShem for all their needs; food, water and
clothing. But this did not make them worry. Instead, they eagerly
received the Torah with joy and trust.

"We should learn this lesson from them. Even if sometimes we feel
that we need things, we should not worry and let this disturb us
from studying the Torah and fulfilling the mitzvos. We should
trust in HaShem and know that He will provide us with what we
need just as He did for our ancestors in the desert."

Chani raised her hand.

"Morah, last summer I went to Eretz Yisrael and visited my
cousins who live in a small town in the Negev desert. True, it's
hot, but they have plenty of water and beautiful gardens and

Morah Kaplan replied, "Our sages tell us that, during the forty
years the Jews journeyed through the desert, they were able to
bring about changes in the desert; even trees flowered and gave

"This teaches us that a desert can change. Sometimes, there are
people who are like a desert; they feel empty and dry when it
comes to holy things. They too can change. The Torah can help
them become full of feeling for HaShem and fruitful with good

                            *   *   *

Since Parshas Bamidbar shows us how we all have a portion in the
Torah, it inspires us all to go to shul to listen to the reading
of the Ten Commandments on Shavuos. By coming together to hear
the Ten Commandments, we will prepare ourselves to hear Torah
from Mashiach very soon.

        (Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. VIII, p. 237)


This Year (1994) Shavuos is on MONDAY: MAY 16, 1994.

All children and adults should attend Shul on this day and listen
to the Reading of the Torah (which includes the reading of the 10

END OF TEXT - Tell me... Bamidbar - 5754


     Yosef Yitzchok Kazen             |            E-Mail to:
     Director of Activities           |      yyk (at) 


Topic No. 96

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