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Re: NPR interview this Sunday

kcohen (at) magnus(dot)acs(dot)ohio-state(dot)edu (Kevin B Cohen) writes:

>On NPR's Sunday boradcast of Weekend Edition, there was an interview
>by Susan Stamberg on Jewish music with jazz instrumentals behind it.
>Towards the end (which was all I heard), they played a bit of piece
>with a woman singing Avinu Malkeinu (a song from the Yom Kippur
>liturgy) with the traditional tune. But, they had all this
>instrumentation behind it.  It sounded incredible!

>Anyone know what the album was?  Who the singer was?

>kcohen (at) ling(dot)ohio-state(dot)edu

No, I don't... but NPR has a long-standing policy of keeping track of the
music they use and demonstrating a willingness to tell people who ask what
and where those tracks may be found/ Drop them a line and I'm pretty sure
they'll be able to tell you exactly what piece it was and on which
recording it was obtained. Good luck!

Eric Marx


Topic No. 21

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