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new release


A group called Bitachon has just released an album  called "Jewish
Acapella."  That's exactly what it is.  They are six singers.  (The
ostensible reason for the lack of accompaniment is that only one of
them can play an instrument.:-)

I heard an interview with the group on WFMU's JM in the AM program
today, as well as one cut from the album.  It was really beautiful,
and certainly a change from the usual things we're used to.

   Art Werschulz (8-{)}  "You can't make an ondelette without breaking waves."
   InterNet:  agw (at) cs(dot)columbia(dot)edu
   ATTnet:    Columbia University (212) 939-7061
              Fordham University  (212) 636-6325


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