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Jerusalem One Announcement

The following message is from Zvi Lando, network manager for Jerusalem
One.  Please excuse us if you see this note several times;  future
announcements will only go out to those signed up to the one-announce
list on, but it was deemed important to give
this message wide circulation and there seemed to be some problems with
several lists that it was sent to.

Also, it would be appreciated if those of you on commercial networks
such as America Online, Delphi, NVN, and Prodigy would make sure that
this message gets distributed there.  (GEnie and Compuserve have been
taken care of.)


I must say that reading through the hundreds of messages sent to
Teddy was an exciting experiences. We are now, here at the
Jerusalem One Network, processing this information and deciding
on how to act on it.

At the same time, we are already speaking to many people here in
Jerusalem and asking their cooperation in managing what I call
"Jewish Services". What I mean by this ambiguous term is the
managing of discussion lists and of setting up a gopher
information server, FTP ability and/or the giving of courses
through the internet. Our network will provide these interested
parties with internet access and with all the training and
technical support that they need. Our only demand is that they
run these services in a professional manner.

For those who may not know, Jerusalem is truly the "Jewish
Information Capital" of the world. The list of organizations and
academic institutes here in Jerusalem is so long, it is hard,
sometimes, to even know where to start. To those who were
"curious" as to why I had emitted religious institutes,
yishivot, etc. please find them under "academic institutes" - I
can assure you that they will be included. The Jerusalem One
Network will be open to all those who wish to
help strengthen  the Jewish People.

In order to further these aims, we will start as of now, an
"administrative" list. Please note:

one-announce - a "receive only" list for announcements sent out by
the Jerusalem One Network. All subscribers to this list will
receive news and important announcements about the project.


To subscribe:

mail to:  listserv (at) jerusalem1(dot)datasrv(dot)co(dot)il
subject: NONE

body of text: sub one-announce firstname lastname


Again, this is a "receive only" list, and members will *not* be
able to post to it. I urge all those who want to be "in the
know" to do so. In the coming days, there will be exciting news

My second request is that all those who feel that they have any
kind of service that they can offer to write to me at my
jerusalem1 address. As I expect quite a lot of response :)
please allow me a few days to reply. I wish to note and stress
that what I spoke about in the above (access to internet,
support, etc. ) was only for Israelis at this time. We are now
speaking with a number of groups in different countries who we
hope will soon offer the same. It is our belief that through our
project, working as a catalyst, other Jewish organizations and
philanthropists will decide to help their own communities.

Please note that this will be the LAST message sent out to all
the Jewish lists and from now on, we will only be "speaking"
through the "Jerusalem1 List"

Thank-you all for your interest and support !!!!


  *                                                               *
  *  T h e      J e r u s a l e m      O n e      N e t w o r k   *
  *                                                               *
  *                        *                                      *
  *            ******  **  ****  *  *  *  *  ****  **             *
  *             *   *   *    *   *  *  *  *     *   *             *
  *             *****      *       ***    *     *                 *
  *                                                               *
  *  Zvi Lando - Network Manager                  ***             *
  *  Israel                                     *  **             *
  *  lando (at) jerusalem1(dot)datasrv(dot)co(dot)il           *    **          
  *  Tel: 972-2-964519                             **             *
  *  Fax: 972-2-964588                             **             *
  *                                           ***********         *

AJIN --- The American Jewish Information Network --- ajin (at) 

President             Alan H. Stein          astein (at) 
Vice Presidents       Rachel Dunaief         rduanief (at) 

End of Digest

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