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Shekhinah: The Presence (Performance in Austin)

                The Human Systems Performance Group

                      Shekhinah: The Presence

                     A Dance Performance Piece
                          by Joseph Zitt

                    November 20-22, 27-29, 1992
                              8:00 PM
                           Synergy Studio
                        1501 West 5th Street
                           Austin, Texas


     Jan Barstow      Manu Bird Jobst       Kip Garth
     Jan Stevens      Nicholas Schriber     Joseph Zitt

     Art Installation by Eureka Purity

The Shekhinah ...

     (Sh'-KHEE-nah) in Jewish mysticism represents the presence of God as
     a divine female entity, embodying those aspects of God that are most
     closely connected to the people.

     Judith Plaskow has written that:

           "The Shekhinah is precisely that aspect of God with which we can
           be in relation, and it is experienced in joint study, community
           gatherings, lovemaking and other moments of common and
           intimate human connection."

Shekhinah: The Presence...

     is a multimedia dance performance piece derived from the movements,
     texts, and structures of Jewish worship.  Focusing on the figure of the
     Shekhinah as she appears to the congregants at a morning service, it is
     designed for audiences from a wide variety of cultural and religious

     Shekhinah examines the balance between the dual aspects of worship:
     the worshippers' internal relationship to the sacred and their external
     relationship to their community and the outer world.

     The performance text of Shekhinah is derived from Joseph Zitt's book
     of the same name, which was based on the original movement design of
     the performance.

     The music for Shekhinah is created entirely from voices, including:
           .    field recordings from the Western Wall in Jerusalem
           .    live improvisations based on texts from the Jewish liturgy
           .    electronic manipulations of recorded improvisations based
                on traditional melodies and modes.

Human Systems ...

     ... is a multimedia arts group devoted to the creation of distinctive
     works using original movement, text, music, and visual design.  Human
     Systems' productions extend beyond theatre into video, the visual arts,
     the printed word, and computer system design.

     Human Systems' work is simultaneously cybernetic and organic,
     celebrating the freedom with which wide varieties of people can work
     within common structures, in collaboration with each other and with
     novel performance technology.

For more information, call (512) 450-1916.

End of Digest

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