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This message is forwarded from the email list of the Music Library Association:
---------------------------Text of original message follows---------------------

>To all MLA-L recipients: The Cantors' Institute of the Jewish
>Theological Seminary of America will host a JEWISH
>MUSICOLOGICAL CONFERENCEE ON Sunday afternoon, May 2, 1993 at
>1):00 PM.  Abstracts are welcome on any topic relevant to both
>the discipline of Jewish studies and the discipline of musicology.
>Papers should be no more than twenty minutes long.  Please submit
>abstracts before March 21, 1993 to Daniel Katz or Boaz Tarsi,
>The Cantors' Institute, JTSA, 3080 Broadway, New YOrk, N.Y. 10027.
>For further information or to receive fliers, please call Dr. Katz
>at (212) 678-8038 or Dr. Tarsi at (212) 568-4647.  The registration
>fee is $10.00 or $5/00 for stude ts.Registration is free for
>students and faculty at JTSA and HUC-JIR.  To register, please
>send a check made out to the Cantors' Institute to Dr. Daniel Katz or
>Dr. Boaz Tarsi at the above address.  Confere ce programs will


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