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Thanks for the info on Rita's Concert.  Unfortunately, I couldn't make it,
may be next time.

About the Aliyah, I am definitely interested in attending one of their
meetings, but not on Wednesday night.  I think that before actually making
Aliyah, it is a good idea for me to go there for may be half-year and
see whether that is really what I want.  The only way I can do it right
now is to find a job there, so that I can support myself.  I would really
appreciate if you could help
me with it or put me in touch with people who could.  As far as my work
experience goes, I have a part time job as a programmer at USC and a T.A.
( teaching C, C++) at XEROX.  Also, I have a B.S. in CS form USC, and I am
currently enrolled in M.S. program in CS.

Re:  Samir Shukry:  Is he the one who wrote "Rona"?

     Thank you,
email: gamarmik (at) aludra(dot)usc(dot)edu


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