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   I've been to following the discussion on what constitutes "Jewish"
music for some time now, and finally decided to make my small contribution.
First of all, I absolutely agree with Nancy on the subject of ideology in
modern israeli songs.  A lot of them are very meaningful and express hopes
and concerns of the Israeli society.  So, I would definitely consider them to
be Jewish.
   Another point I want to make is about "ethnic roots" jewish music.  About
five years ago, I had a long discussion about what is jewish music with jewish
composer Goldshtein, back in Riga(Latvia).  He was doing research on the
origin of jewish music.  He took different songs(from different parts of
the world) and "stripped" them from the influence of other cultures.  What
he got as a result were tunes which sounded like old music of Jews from
   Nancy, thank you very much for your willing to help.  I always did and
still do consider making Aliyah.  I've actually filled out all the papers
couple of years ago, but it didn't work out.  I came to the States when I
was 17 with my parents, because I was too scared to go to Israel on my own.
I was in Israel last summer and it is almost impossible to find a job over
there, so I will probably stay here for a while, and then will see what
will happens.
   By the way, somebody told me that there is going to be Rita's concert in
L.A. this month. Does anybody know anything about this concert of any others???

        Simona Gamarnik
        gamarmik (at) aludra(dot)usc(dot)edu


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