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Machina 7

Ari mentioned his disappointment with the newest Machina album,
Miflatzot hatehila (Monsters of Praise). I'm afraid I have to
agree, and I've been trying to convince Ari of Machina's virtues
for some time now.

Like the latest U2 album, Machina tries to `modernize' their sound
with `Industrial' feedback. Unfortunately, as near as I've been able
to tell from several listenings, the noise is not matched with the
lyrical depth of Achtung Baby or, for that matter, the previous Machina
album, HaAmuta L'Heker HaTmuta, The Society for the Investigation of
Mortality. That album at least offered the opportunity to hear Israel's
most successful rock band (noone else got up to album #5) at least
make reference to the intifada in its generally silly pop lyrics, in
a musical style stolen straight from the 1960s (a cross between the
Beach Boys and the Doors).

But I would love for any fans of the album to plead its case.

End of Digest

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