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RE: Copyrighted lyrics

Placing a "copyright notice" is something done by the copyright holder. You 
can't use it to legitimize an unauthorized publication! If you mean 
"attribution", then yes, I would expect a proper attribution of a quoted lyric. 
But a copyright notice is reserved for use only by the copyright holder.

Fair use might permit quoting selections from lyrics, but only under those 
circumstances where the usage qualifies under the fair use provisions of the 
copyright laws. I doubt it would be fair use to quote a song's entire lyrics!

Copyright law does make specific provisions for works specifically written for 
liturgical use and used in a liturgical setting.

How can a purpose be considered "private" or "for review purposes" (which isn't 
a provision of coppyright law that I know if) if it's on the net and available 
to anyone who can access it?

I have a slew of web page references on the subject and will post them to this 
list tomorrow.


-----Original Message-----
From:   David Baron [SMTP:Davidb (at) accentsoft(dot)com]
Sent:   Sunday, February 09, 1997 2:47 AM
To:     hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
Subject:        Copyrighted lyrics

Maybe we should place the appropriate copyright notice with 
quoted lyrics.

Maybe we ought to know the legal quidelines of their usage. 
Would an email or web message be "for review purposes?", 
for example.

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