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[HANASHIR:15830] RE: Davka Writer

    Davka Writer also has a rabbinic/educational discount which you 
might want to ask them for.  That brings the cost down to about $100. 
 It also interfaces with Microsoft Word very well. Daagesh does not.  If 
you want to add the graphic capability of Word, just copy and paste into 
Word once your document is complete.  ( You cannot edit the Hebrew in 
Word)  Then you can put in all those nice graphic features that Word offers.
    I used to use Dagesh ( and still do for certain things) but switched 
over to Davka Writer when Dagesh's latest upgrade, Dagesh Pro became 
very expensive at $89 ( even for an upgrade) and came with so many 
glitches which required more patches than I cared to deal with.  I sent 
it back.  All my Dagesh files copy into Davka format very nicely with a 
little reformatting.
    Davka Writes continues to improve, with regular upgrades, and is 
becoming more and more useful as I use it.  I love the Tanach and Siddur 
features, where you can just copy sections from Torah, and make 
personalized portions for students.  Then, you can remove the Nikud and 
Tropes and put it into a Stam font and you don't have to copy and paste 
from a Tikkun.  Saves a lot of "patchkeing."
    One more thing, Davka corporation is much more technological and 
service friendly. The program is written in Chicago as opposed to Israel.
    And, no, I don't work for them.

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