My kids can't get enough of "The Unicorn" song. I've heard it on several CD's but I know the Nelson's have it on one of their recordings.
"Singin' With Susan"
Susan Shane-Linder
Preschool & Religious School Music Director
Congregation B'nai Israel
Boca Raton, Florida
singinwithsusan (at) hotmail(dot)com
>From: brian serle
>Reply-To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
>Subject: [HANASHIR:15755] Re: early Torah songs
>Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 07:03:43 -0800 (PST)
>Folks, I need your help with some songs for early Torah (Breishit, Noach, etc.) for grades 2-4. I am already using Debbie's Lechi Lach, and Judy's Keshet song and Rise and Shine. Is there a song called "God said to Abraham"? Also, is there a song called "who built the ark"? I would be grateful for ANY ideas for this Sunday's classes!
>Brian Serle
>Bet Shalom
>Hopkins, Minnesota
>Linda Salvay wrote:
>On 10/29/03 11:40 AM, "ilana axel" wrote:
>I'm of the impression that, in general, inkjet printers use water-soluble
>ink, while laser printers use a heat-fusible toner, and therefore are more
>"permanent". I own one printer of each kind, and use the laser far more
>often because of the more stable nature of the document.
>Linda Salvay
>Do you Yahoo!?
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