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[HANASHIR:15229] Re: High Holy Day choices

Winston said:
> I encourage people to sing along....this is not a concert its a worship
> service.  Worship is an active practice, not a spectator sport.

In reading these many messages, I was finally moved to comment on the above.
I believe it is probably the most important piece of this discussion. I am
always asked when the choir will be "performing", to which I usually reply
that we don't perform, we sing as part of the service. I also turn from
conducting the choir on occasion and conduct the congregation to encourage
them to sing, depending on the piece. We try to vary our pieces, although on
the HHD we have "standard gems" and new pieces are limited, e.g. to a sermon

A word from a Reform person: although the folk-type music is indeed sung a
lot, it is not to the exclusion of some wonderful and relatively complex
pieces, albeit usually by contemporary composers. This is true of both
cantor and choir, although the choir is limited because nearly all are rote
learners. In general, the congregation seems happy with the music, although
the younger members are more turned on by our monthly all-music service,
which has a band and usually does not involve the choir. I'm researching
pieces that use instruments but a reasonably challenging for the choir.

As I know no nusach except the HHD one, I'm going to start going to school
to learn more -- at a rather advanced age. While I have our cantor to advise
me, after 5 years of directing the choir and umpteen years of singing I feel
a real need to know what I'm doing.

Guess that turned into more like 3 or 4 cents!

Jackie Guttman

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