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[HANASHIR:15222] Re: High Holy Day choices

My perspective on the HHD services has sure changed over the years.  I feel 
like I've been on both sides (or several sides!).  I grew up in an Orthodox 
shul, where the chazzan sang everything...and we had such a wonderful chazzan, 
with a strong, emotionally stirring voice...that was what I was used to as a I grew up, and joined a Reform congregation, the service, with a lot 
of English, and a choir singing unseen behind a wall, felt really strange to me 
for a while.  After attending Hava Nashira and CAJE and being introduced to 
the exciting sounds of contemporary music, and later, after singing in a choir, 
I learned to appreciate the blend.  (I never appreciated the choral music 
until I sang it!)  This may sound trite, but I feel that "it's all good."  

This year, I have the great pleasure of being a cantorial soloist for Rosh 
Hashana and Yom Kippur, for the very first time...This is a tiny congregation 
about 25 families, with a mix of expectations about the service.  Those how 
know me will know this is a stretch and a challenge for me, and I appreciate 
all the suggestions and help and support I've received from those on this list, 
and in my community (feel free to email me personally if you have further 
suggestions!).  I have limited if not nonexistent knowledge of nusach and 
Torah, but I will be playing guitar, I will be blending old and new, and some 
original, and one thing is certain, my heart and soul will be in whichever 
melodies I sing; I have to say that I'm really enjoying the preparation in a 
very special way.  

I am wishing everyone on this list a wonderful time preparing for the high 
holidays, and the sweetest new year.

-Karen Daniel

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