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[HANASHIR:15219] Re: High Holy Day choices

I took over HH duties as soloist 6 years ago.  The first year, I received 
many comments that the feeling of warmth and participation found at our weekly 
Shabbat services just wasn't there.  

Over the next two years I gently introduced some of our newer melodies and 
even played guitar on two or three pieces during each services. The rest of the 
service was traditional HH nusach. We have a professional quartet and organist 
for the holidays as well.  We managed to not "throw out the baby with the 
bath water."  The result was amazing.  The comments were very favorable and 
everyone seemed pleased.  I didn't receive one negative comment about the music.

BTW, our congregation sings along with certain traditional pieces like the 
Avinu Malkeinu and V'al Kulam, etc..I think if the congregation is flexible, 
anything is possible.

Rick Mann

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