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[HANASHIR:15160] Update on Sharon

What a miracle!  I am so happy to let you know that Sharon has been sent 
home from the hospital for some much-needed time to rest up from her 
horrendous ordeal.

Please give her that time by **NOT** phoning her.  It is very important that 
she rest her voice.

This is a reminder that I'm continuing to collect submissions for her 
scrapbook.  Please send them to me as soon as possible and definitely no 
later than Tuesday.

Many thanks!

-- Carol

P.S.  A reminder of what I'd like for the scrapbook:
   --a personal recollection of time you've spent with her
   --a description of how Sharon has been a blessing to you
   --a liturgical passage
   --an uplifting thought or quotation
   --something funny
What I am NOT looking for are "get well soon" messages.  I would prefer that 
your submission to me be the kind she'll want to continue to look at even 
long after she's had a complete recovery.

Carol Boyd Leon
Songwriter/Cantorial Soloist/Music Educator
E-mail:  CBLeon (at) hotmail(dot)com
Phone:  703-250-0554
Web page:

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