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[HANASHIR:15156] CAJE late night: Amazing Schmaltz

More to come about how amazing CAJE was this year, but as requested, here are 
the lyrics to "Amazing Schmaltz," written in 1995.  It works well as an 
"instant choir" piece since most people know the tune and everyone can 
harmonize to it.  Can you imagine the instant choir I had with Fran Avni, Judy 
Caplan Ginsburgh, Terry Lieberstein, Laura Berkson, Judith Silver (from the UK) 
Ellen Allard and Marge Eisenman? Wow..............!

Amazing Schmaltz
(to the tune of "Amazing Grace")
Robbi Sherwin, 1995

Amazing schmaltz, how sweet the taste
My Bubbe made for me
'Twas chopped liver first
Gefilte fish, the worst
Such pungent memories

'Twas schmaltz we'd rend
>From a zaftig hen
To make our latkees crisp
Sour cream, so cool
Applesauce, what gruel
Such pleasure on our lips

Kneidle soup, we'd hope
Those balls would float
In schmaltz that we adored
Please pass the matzoh brie
Oy, vey, I could die!
In an hour, we'll have more!

But in this age
Cholesterol is gaged
It's far too high to believe
Matzoh brie's cooked in Pam
Eggbeaters fill the pan
Now we can only grieve

Amazing schmaltz, how sweet the taste
My Bubbe made for me
'Twas chopped liver first
Gefilte fish, the worst
Such pungent memories

"Bloom Where You're Planted....."

Robbi Sherwin, Cantor
Congregation Kol Halev
Austin, Texas
(512) 467-7270
sherwin (at) earthlink(dot)net

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