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[HANASHIR:14232] Re: sound system

> There is a small amplifier out called a Maxi-Mouse - works on a rechargeable
> battery - all the street buskers use it - I have one - it's great - has two
> inputs. Seems to be something comparable out by CRATE called the Taxi.

I've had the Mouse for years and it's ok, but I just got a LIMO by Crate
(it's the souped up version of the TAXI) and it blows everything out of the
water.  It's my pick for music toy of the year.  The Limo with shipping will
cost around 400 but the Taxi is cheaper - it's a little smaller with less
power. Check them out at with the full specs at


------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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