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[HANASHIR:14207] Re: Los Bilbilicos

It is a folk song.  But it must have been "composed" by someone, sometime, 

Happy Yom Ha-atzma-ut!

At 01:26 PM 5/7/2003 -0400, you wrote:

>Is Los Bilbilicos a folk song, or was it composed? I have found that Paul 
>Ben-Haim's "La Rosa" uses the same exact melody, as does a version of Tzur 
>So, I am looking for the original composer, if there is one?
>JEnn Duretz

Andy Curry, Kansas City
acurry (at) lenexa(dot)sema(dot)slb(dot)com

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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