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[HANASHIR:14183] Re: Star Spangled Banner a capella

Hi - when I was in St. Louis we (the cantors and soloists in the St. Louis 
Circle of Jewish Music) sang the national anthem at home plate in Busch Stadium 
for a Cardinals game when it was Jewish community day.

What I remember is - 

it is almost impossible to hear each other over the din of the loudspeakers 
which are blaring back to you what you sang a few seconds before

Therefore - we always stood as close together as possible and everyone had to 
look at the conductor who was lip-synching the words in an exaggerated manner. 
We agreed to keep up with the lip-synching and not be distracted by what we 
were hearing.

It works.  Have fun.

Shabbat Shalom, Cantor Anne Heath

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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