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[HANASHIR:14146] Debut Choral Concert

Shir Hama'alot, Canada's newest Jewish chamber choir,
will present its debut performance on Monday evening,
June 9th, at 8:00 p.m. The concert will take place
at the Shaare Zion Congregation in Montreal, and will
feature Cantor Gideon Zelermyer as guest soloist.
The 7-voice choir (soon to number eight)is a
professional calibre ensemble; three of its members
are music graduates (McGill or Moscow Conservatory).
The choir is directed by Dr. Tamara Goulina, also a
Moscow Conservatory graduate. Admission costs $5;
refreshments will be served following the concert.

Edward Katz, M.D.
Founding Member
Shir Hama'alot

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