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[HANASHIR:14078] Re: Adir Hu translation request

The origins of Adir Hu come from a fiftheenth century German folk song based 
upon a minnesinger (style of love song)that was popular during and prior to 
this time. Most of the minnesinger songs were transmitted orally and sung by 
traveling/wandering musicians (troubadours, to borrow the French term), which 
probably explains why there are some variations of the tune also making it 
difficult to pin down the exact original melody.  The words are an alphabetical 
acrostic like Ki Lo Na-eh that tries to encompass all of Gd's virtues by 
singing one attibute for each letter of the alphabet.

Mighty are You! 

CHORUS: May You rebuild Your house soon, Speedily, Speedily in our days soon.  
O Gd, O Gd rebuild, rebuild Your house soon!

Select are You, grand are You, distinguidshed are you, may you rebuild. .. 
Glorious are You, ancient are You, just are You, may You rebuild . . .
Pious are You, unstained are You, unique are You, may You rebuild .. . 
Strong are You, wise are You, soveriegn are You, may You rebuild. . . 
Awesome are You, exalted are You, powerful are You, may You rebuild. . .
Redeemer are You, righteous are You, holy are You, may You rebuild . . 
Compassionate are You, Almight are You, powerful are You, may You rebuild. . .

I hope that helps,
Marcy Mirkin

> Does anyone have a translation of Adir Hu?  All I have is God of Might, which 
> is 
> included in Gates of Prayer and in the Haggadah.  It is not at all a 
> translation 
> of the original words.  I would love to know the origins of the song as well 
> since it has become part of the melodic fabric of Pesach.  
> Thanks,
> Rachelle
> Rachelle Mingail Shubert
> Director of Music
> Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
> 4100 Sherbrooke Street West
> Montreal, Quebec H3Z 1A5
> Tel: 514-937-3575 ext. 235 Fax: 514-937-7058
> Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable. Leonard 
> Bernstein

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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