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[HANASHIR:14069] Re: marbeh torah

At 05:04 PM 4/11/2003, Eric Komar wrote:
>Can anyone tell me the source of the text beginning with: Marbeh Torah 
>marbeh chayim ...

It's actually four words in the middle of the 53-word Pirke Avos 2:8

Good shabbos!

|   Sholom Simon     | sholom (at) aishdas(dot)org               |
| proud daddy to Joshua Ari  4/18/93 - 27 Nissan 5753   |
|        and Eliana Rebekah  3/12/95 - 11 Adar-2 5755   |

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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