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[HANASHIR:13965] Re: Mi Shebeirach in a Time of Ware (w/Attachment)

Here it is in Word. I cut/pasted from DavkaWriter.  I don't have Hebrew support 
in MS Word, but Word uses the Hebrew fonts that I installed with DavkaWriter.  
If you would let me have your fax number as a fall back, I'd be glad to fax it. 
 I have about 1/2 hour before I leave.  I'll be checking my email one last time 
in about 25 minutes and then it's too late for anything else today.  Thanks, 

You could try me on my cell phone a little later with your fax number if you 
miss me by email. 781-956-8673

Attachment: Mi Shebeirach in a Time of War.doc
Description: Mi Shebeirach in a Time of War.doc

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