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[HANASHIR:13380] SOngs & Rhymes in Eng & Heb

Shalom to All,

I have received numerous postings about how to get a copy of my resource 
CD's  on Songs & rhymes for kids in English & Hebrew. Because so many of 
you are interested, I hope it's okay to post my response to you all 
publicly through this forum? I don't mean to spam.

Some have asked for more specific details:

There are two separate CD's. One in English - public domain songs & rhymes 
that I have used when teaching very young children. There are 70 selections 
in all, such as: Hello Everybody Yes Indeed, Toodala, We'll Hit the Floor 
Together  etc. Many are action songs and rhymes, most can be used with 
activities and with instruments.

The CD in Hebrew is formatted in the same way as the English. There are 66 
selections. Most, but not all, of the songs are direct translations of the 
songs in English, with the same tunes. Because I was teaching in Israel in 
family day-care, pre-schools and privately with babies, toddlers etc. and 
their parents, I felt most comfortable simply translating the songs I knew 
best from my own childhood and work with children in English. Others who 
were also working with the same method and with the same age group also 
helped to translate the songs. They are simple and easy translations - if 
you are comfortable in Hebrew. And a great way for kids to learn Hebrew, 
for sure! I also have a lyric sheet that accompanies the CD - so all is 
written in English and transliteration - unfortunately I did not have 
access to a Hebrew keyboard, so the actual Hebrew is not written.

I made the CD's as a resource for people I was training to work in this 
field. So the songs are sung 2-3 times through with simple guitar 
accompaniment. I have discovered since, that the children I teach who later 
hear the CD are ecstatic. They don't seem to care that the songs zip by so 
quickly. Parents have told me that the kids simply sit and listen AND do 
all the fingerplays and actions too!

I had not meant to sell these CD's commercially but many have expressed an 
interest in buying them. If you would still like to have a copy, you can 
send a check to me personally: Rahel Limor ($12 each or $20 for both plus 
P&H  - I think it's another $2 or $3 - also includes the lyric sheet). Send 
it to: 59 Great Brook Rd., Milford, NH 03055. Let me know if you need a 
receipt and I will supply one.

I must also add that I only have three copies of the Hebrew at this writing 
but since so many have asked, I will have more made up asap! This may take 
2-3 weeks though, so please be patient.

Thanks so much for your interest and support. I was quite surprised - and 
pleased - by all your letters.

Also, thank you all for so many great suggestions and ideas in general. 
This list is a great resource!


------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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