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[HANASHIR:11845] Re: Song Search

Dear Barbara,

Two possibilities for your Sheva B'rachot Search:

Transcontinental Music just came out with a great new resource called Kol 
Dodi, that includes a songbook (with sheet music) and a 2-CD set of great 
wedding music, some of which I am using at my own wedding this summer. It 
includes several versions of the Sheva B'rachot, along with a fairly 
exhaustive collection of other wedding songs in English, Hebrew, Yiddish 
and Ladino. The set is being featured on the Transcontinental Homepage if 
you (or anyone else) want more information:

A second option is that Ethan Bueno de Mesquita (also on the Hanashir list) 
has posted easy-to-learn audio recordings of the Sheva B'rachot in MP3 
format to his web-site at:

Hope that helps!

- Josh Miller
   jmiller (at) songleaders(dot)org

PS- Sorry I haven't ever heard a Bar Mitzvah version of Sunrise Sunset...

>2. I'm looking for a decent recording or sheet music
>for the seven wedding blessings.
>Please ask anyone who can help me to e-mail me at bmazergross (at) 
>Thanks so much for your help.
>Barbara Mazer Gross

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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