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[HANASHIR:11829] minhag questions compiled

These are some of the questions suggested in response to my inquiry about
the minhag at congregations where one is visiting to lead services,
songlead, perform etc.? Thank you to Jeff Klepper and Judy Caplan Ginsburgh
for emailing me their questions. I greatly appreciate their input, their
expertise, and the time they took to provide the information.

Ellen Allard
Worcester, MA

?What sidur is used?
?Does the congregation face the ark for barchu? amida?
?What tune is used for Avot/G'vurot?
?What is the choreography for the Torah service?
?Is there a printed program handed out to congregants?
?Is the custon to wear a kippah on the bimah? Tallit?
?What melodies does the congregation feel ownership in?  In other words, are
there particular melodies that you would never change because they provide a
certain level of comfort and spirituality for the congregants?  Always be
sensitive to this and preserve some degree of familiarity when choosing
?Would the rabbi, cantor, soloist, etc. who is usually there like to chant
or does someone have time to sit down with you prior to the service and
review nuances that might be specific to the congregation?  Every
congregation chants V'ahavta, Avot, etc. just a bit differently.  You either
have to do some checking or you will be leading something they are not
familiar with.
?Are clapping, finger-snapping, rhythm instruments, etc. allowed?
?Does the congregation recite the Barchu and Shema spoken first and then
sung or do they just sing it?
?Definitely ask for a cue sheet so that you know when to come in, where the
kiddush is recited, etc.
?Many congregations sing the same opening and closing songs each Shabbat
(more so the closing song).  Can this be changed to a different song?  Or
can you offer a different melody of the same text?
?Are there other participants who will be sharing the service with you --
cantor, rabbi, soloist, board member, organist, etc.?
?What is the typical demographic of the congregation or to whom is the
service geared?  Is this a family service, mostly adult, tot, etc.?
?Which prayerbook do you use or are you using a creative service?
?Would you be allowed to offer Kabbalat Shabbat music prior to the service
or a selection of songs prior to the Aleynu?
?Don't be afraid to offer suggestions or ask about adding something that is
unique to you.
?If there is a choir, offer to do something with them during the service.
You can send music in advance and work with them prior to the service.  It
is always a thrill for the choir to be included.

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