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[HANASHIR:11817] Thanks but need more help

Our lists are amazing.  I requested a picture of a terrorist baby, and, within 
10 minutes I had a response and within 12 hours more than a dozen responses.  
However, my colleague tells me that this is not the picture he wanted.  (I 
thought it was.)

Apparantly there were, at one time, 2 pictures--side by side.  One of a 
Palestinian child dressed as a terrorist, the other of an Israeli child with a 
hat that says "Shalom".  Might anyone have that set of pictures.  He needs it 
for  service he is doing a week from Friday.

Again many thanks-- and things like this is what makes EZines really worthwhile.

Rabbi  Richard Schachet
Valley Outreach Synagogue

"The past has a vote, not a veto"
Mordecai Kaplan, z'l

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