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[HANASHIR:11814] Check out "Hava Nashira 2002" pictures
- From: DavidSings2 <DavidSings2...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:11814] Check out "Hava Nashira 2002" pictures
- Date: Tue 02 Jul 2002 03.33 (GMT)
I am sending this to Adrian to add to his list of links, as well as the
entire list serve so you can go directl to the site!
I posted a bunch of pictures that were taken this year by Angela Gold and by
me on a dedicated web site! If you send me your files via the email link
from the sight, I'll be happy to post them within a few days (unless I am out
of town, like i will be from July 12 -16). Have fun looking and send me more
to post.
David Harris
Click Here: <A HREF="">Hava Nashira 2002</A>
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
- [HANASHIR:11814] Check out "Hava Nashira 2002" pictures,