for the hebraically defficient...
...what is the translation of "...yoshvei tevel" (at the end of Oseh Shalom)?
>From: "Jewish Songleading/Music"
>Reply-To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: "Jewish Songleading/Music"
>Subject: HANASHIR digest 1526
>Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 03:00:15 EDT
> HANASHIR Digest 1526
>Topics covered in this issue include:
> 1) Fw: Slightly OT: "Bitter Herb and Honey" Looking for a writer!
> by "Shirona"
> 2) Arab Peace songs
> by "Rosalie Boxt"
> 3) Fw: songs of peace
> by "Shirona"
> 4) Where's the music??
> by Cantor Brad Hyman
> 5) conductor's podium
> by "H & R Shubert"
> 6) RE: conductor's podium
> by "Adrian Durlester"
> 7) Re: Peace songs.
> by ilana axel
> 8) RE: classical singer
> by "Meris Ruzow"
> 9) RE: classical singer
> by "Carol Boyd Leon"
> 10) RE: classical singer
> by "Francine Berg"
> 11) RE: classical singer
> by "Shirona"
> 12) RE: classical singer
> by "Meris Ruzow"
> 13) RE: classical singer
> by Lorshap (at) aol(dot)com
> 14) RE: classical singer
> by "Judy Ginsburgh"
> 15) RE: classical singer
> by ItaSara (at) aol(dot)com
> 16) Fwd: Fw: petition to support Israel
> by LSOLKOWITZ (at) aol(dot)com
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