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[HANASHIR:11165] Re: al kol aleh -english lyrics

The English lyrics I have are a little different from the Shireinu - can't 
remember where I got them - I scribbled them in under the Hebrew years ago!
Sorry I can't give credit for the lyrics-
Lori Shapiro

Like the bee that brings the honey
Needs a stinger to compete 
So our children learn to use 
The bitter with the sweet.

And to keep the fires burning 
In the night and in the day 
For those who are returning
>From so far away.

Don't uproot what has been planted
May our efforts never cease.
May our dearest wish be granted
Bring us peace - oh bring us peace.

For the sake of all our lives Lord
May your mercies be complete. 
For the stinger and the honey
And the bitter and the sweet.

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