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[HANASHIR:10476] Re: torah music
- From: Laura Ferguson <allenderl...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:10476] Re: torah music
- Date: Thu 06 Dec 2001 21.05 (GMT)
WOW! An elf from the the Magic Door!! So cool! It's funny, I've even met
non-Jews from Chicago who remember that show fondly. I wish someone would
re-run it! Better yet, maybe they could sell video tapes of
At 03:54 PM 12/6/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Shira,
>I have a song that we used MANY years ago when I was a Jewish elf, yes, an
>elf, on the Chicago TV show "The Magic Door", (also with Joe Black, by the
>It's an Hassidic melody and noted by Binder. The notes, word notes, not
>music notes, say that it's ascribed to the poet Bialik. It's called "Havu
>Godel" and the words are, Havu godel, godel, godel, godel lelohenu, u t'nu,
>t'nu, t'nu, havod latorah, and then a lot of la, la, la's. It's a really fun
>song to sing. Your kids might like it.
>Contact me privately if you have trouble finding it.
>Fran Uditsky Moss
>moss5533 (at) aol(dot)com
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