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[HANASHIR:9679] Re: Sheva Brachot

Hi all,

Just back from running the day camp in Juneau, Alaska for the Jewish
community there (a gig I found on this list). I just wanted to tell
everyone that I have MP3s of the traditional chanting of the Sheva Brachot
(with a few additions like a fun Asher Bara thrown in) that I would be
happy to email to anyone who would like them.



Ethan Bueno de Mesquita
Ph.D. Candidate

mesquita (at) fas(dot)harvard(dot)edu

Department of Government
Littauer Center, North Yard
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA  02138
(617) 384-7303 (office)

"Can lack of bias ever compensate for absence of insight?"
        -Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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