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[HANASHIR:9659] Re: HANASHIR digest 1321

Dear Friends - 
I write in tribute to Alice Weinstein, with whom I had the pleasure of working 
during my six year stay in Cleveland.  Alice was a mainstay of Fairmount Temple 
and its Religious School for many years, untiring in her creative efforts in 
music and primary education. She was never too busy to help a new teacher, to 
share new music, or to help us all be more organized in our efforts and 
administration of the school. She was also a devoted spouse and parent of two 
children, and even stepped in to babysit for my own children when her daughter 
was unable to do so.  She never stopped in her advancement of her own 
education, returning to graduate study in Jewish education after her children 
were grown, and continually sharing her gifts with the larger Cleveland Jewish 
community. She was a huge supporter of Yad L'Kashish in Jerusalem, among many 
other causes, and dove into every project 100%.  
Years later, she never forgot my family in her seasonal cards and greetings, 
another testament to her ability to maintain warmth and connection in a way few 
of us are able to match.
Alice's skills, gifts, and passion for caring and sharing is to be admired, and 
will be sorely missed by so many.  
thank you, Alice, for everything.
Ellen Dreskin

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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