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[HANASHIR:9576] Review of Shirona's CD

I just received my August 10th copy of the Jewish Week Newspaper, which
is an
independent community newspaper serving the New York area and found this

review of Shirona's Album "Judaic Love Songs" which I would like to
share. George Robinson writes, "It is
very rare indeed for me to play a new CD twice in succession. This one I
three times in a row when I sat down to review it. Needless to say, this
is high
praise indeed. Simple, straightforward liturgical and biblical settings
by this exceptionally gifted Jewish-American singer. Shirona has a
lovely, rich voice and her
writing is tasteful and intelligent. This is a keeper, one of the best
albums of Jewish religious music I've heard all year." 5 stars

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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