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[HANASHIR:9559] a prayer for Israel

Hi all,

I know what I'm doing is probably a very far stretch from the purpose of the 
list and I apologize in advance, but in anycase...

I was just thinking about the bombing in Israel today and the one that took 
place on Thursday and then I thought about the safety of my sister, her husband 
and all the other human beings in Israel and I have a plea and a reminder:

In GOP it says, 

"If our prayers were music only, we could surely sing our way into the world we 
want, into the heaven we desire. Each would put his own words to the melody; 
from every song would pour a hundred different prayers.

But our past has taught us words, and though we pray the music, we cannot 
always pray the words.

The words do not always speak for us, nor can we always understand them.

Yet once we understood: to speak the anciet words returns us to that simpler 
time when as children we felt the world was one, and it was ours..." (pg 

I ask if each member of this list, each using his or her own song or prayer say 
it now for my sister, her husband and all the other Jews and non Jews in Israel 
who are going through such horrible times. I ask if each of us can please take 
a momemnt pray for the return home of all our loved ones who are in Israel 
right now.

I've heard the saying that when individual prayers are combined with the idea 
of communal prayers, then beautiful prayers are formed. Lets have a beautiful 
prayer for all those in Israel during her hard times.

Thank you,

Yonatan Koch

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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