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[HANASHIR:9546] Re: Permission to record Craig Taubman song

To add to Adrian's well-timed post (and I know this has come up before on
this list):  mechanical rights can be obtained by filling out forms with the
"Harry Fox Agency"--a clearinghouse firm associated with the NMPA that
channels the money to the right people.

>. . .it is ALWAYS appropriate to contact the composer and ask
> permission. Just remember-the artiston the recording may not be the copyright
> holder.

I'd be somewhat more cautious, Adrian:  it's a nice but unnecessary (and
potentially risky) step.  If you're friendly with the songwriter, I'd
certainly agree that asking permission could reinforce an already positive
relationship.  But what if the songwriter says no? (i.e., if you intend to
use a song for a political purpose with which the songwriter is
uncomfortable; or if the songwriter just doesn't like the way you intend to
perform her/his song)  Then there's a moral dilemma that could best have
been avoided had the person requesting just gone ahead with obtaining the
mechanical rights.


------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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