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[HANASHIR:9533] Sunday School Curriculum

I once again beg your indulgence.  So many of you on this list helped me 
tremendously when I started leading a youth choir a short time ago.  The 
youth choir program was successful and a fun experience for all.

I am now stepping into a new role of Sunday School Music Teacher at a small, 
new congregation.  My first assignment is to create a music curriculum 
focusing primarily on holidays.  I realize there is a plethora (love that 
word) of music out there, and am slowly building my holiday music library.  
However, with regard to the curriculum, rather than recreating the wheel, I 
thought I might send out a request to see if some of you would be willing to 
share curriculums you have used that have been successful in terms of 
teaching children about our holidays as well as instilling a love of Jewish 
music and a joy in learning that music.  I've just found an A.R.E. website on 
Jewish Education and am awaiting material from them.  I've also located a 
couple of other K-12 Music Education websites, but welcome any sites you feel 
would be particularly helpful.  Also, any suggestions on teaching the various 
class levels would be helpful (or more importantly, what not to do).

Our Sunday School currently will meet 2 Sundays a month.  The classes are 
divided Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and above (combined).  The pre-K 
class meets only once a month and parents accompany the children.  The 
congregation is reform and has a high percentage of inter-faith couples.  The 
concentration of children in classes, I believe, will be Kindergarten through 
3rd grade.  The congregation just received UAHC sanction and will use the 
services of a student rabbi for the time being.  I feel quite fortunate to be 
joining them at such an exciting time in their growth.  Last Sunday was the 
dedication of their first Torah, and the ceremony was quite moving.  It was 
also quite an experience leading my first singalong with them.

Please feel free to email me privately at barton1320 (at) aol(dot)com(dot)  In 
turn, I 
will be happy to pass on information to anyone else who is interested.  Once 
again, thank you for any help you might offer.  I look forward to a time when 
my expertise and background will allow me to help others in kind.

Best regards,

Linda Barton

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