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[HANASHIR:9495] High Holiday Cantor

Hi all,
    My synagogue is a merger of an Orthodox synagogue and a Reform
synagogue that occurred over 50 years ago.  During the merger it was
agreed that as long as the traditionalists wanted a traditional high
holiday service, we would provide one.  Our chazzan of thirty years has
just told us he would not be returning, and we are in desperate need of
a Baal Korei/Chazzan to lead that minyan.
    If anyone on these two lists knows of anyone that would be
interested, please let me know asap, and I will follow up privately.  I
am also pursuing the normal avenues of searching for a high holiday
cantor, but, sometimes these two groups--the GTM and Havah
Nashirah--come up with things that are truly amazing, so...
Marsha Fensin

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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